Submit a request

Before submitting a request:
1. Please check out our FAQs which may answer your query.

When submitting a request:
1. The more information you share, the better and more quickly we can help you.
2. Please include your 6-digit Just Eat for Business order number if your query is about an existing order. Please refrain from using all capital letters when communicating with our team.

We love to hear feedback. The easiest way for you to report this is via the 'Orders' or 'My Meals' area of your account. Submitting feedback from your account directly helps us capture all relevant information and resolve problems quickly. Please do not share order feedback via this form.

If you are a Just Eat restaurant partner or a customer with a query or feedback about a Just Eat Takeaway order, please contact Just Eat directly.

Please enter your 6-digit Just Eat for Business order number here. If your order number is longer than 6 digits, please contact Just Eat directly.

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