In the event that you have mistakenly given an order to the wrong driver, it's essential that you notify our Customer Care Team straight away via the live chat function on our website (available Monday-Friday 09:30-17:30). Please have your order number and any other relevant information ready to share. For example:
"I accidentally handed order #123456 to the wrong driver - they left approximately 10 minutes ago at 10:50. I should have given this driver order #545123, which is still in store. The driver for #123456 is here now, but I don't have the order to give to them. Please can you help me?"
Please note, if an order is delivered to the wrong customer due to an error in handing over an order to the wrong driver, we may ask you to re-make the order and cover the associated costs.
Please check out our best practices for ensuring the correct order is given to a driver here.